How to choose a MOSFET for your project PART 1

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If you are an electronics engineer or hobbyist and like to make projects then I am pretty sure that you have already faced this issue many times that, how to choose the perfect MOSFET for your project. There are thousands of models of MOSFETs, so how to find the best one for your project.In this article I can discuss how you can easily choose the perfect MOSFET for yourself.MOSFETs can be considered electronic switches, They can control the flow of current based on the voltage provided on there base terminal.Based on the carrier channel type there are two types of of mosfet available in market. 
  • N-type MOSFET 
  • P type MOSFET 
N channel MOSFET are more common due to their efficiency and speed of switching.
  • In N channel MOSFET when we apply positive voltage at the gate terminal of it then  the electrons start to move towards the drain does thus the current start flowing.
  • In P channel MOSFET when we apply negative voltage to the gate terminal of it then the electrons stars to move from source  to drain thus the the current start flowing.
It was the basics of mosfet, so the question arises how to choose the MOSFET for your project from thousands of models available in the market.Before choosing a perfect one you need to figure out your project needs, All the MOSFETs are different in voltage rating and current rating. Though you can use a high voltage rating & current rating mosfet in a place where you don't need them at all then that is wastage of your money, as more capacity comes with a higher price. Why unnecessarily you will waste your money.
The things you need to figure out:
  1. Operating voltage: The voltage is one of the most important parts that you have to think again, as if somehow your circuit experience more than its maximum rated voltage then in a fraction of second MOSFET will damage and make short circuit.
  2. Operating current: After voltage you have to figure out the current value that is going to pass through the mosfet, in easy words the load on mosfet. They have switching loss and conduction loss, this loss generates heat when current flows through it. More heat on semiconductor causes more current flow that will further generate more heat and excessive heat can damage your mosfet instantly in seconds.
  3. Gate voltage or switching Voltage: This factor  is also very important as if you want to switch your MOSFET using microcontroller then the maximum voltage you can provide is 5v in logic level and this voltage have to be sufficient to turn the MOSFET fully conductive or fully on And in case you want to use it as amplifier then you have to be aware that the mosfet should be fully on at the maximum possible input voltage, this is why gate voltage is also an important factor. 
After figure out those three things now you have to search on google or follow some website where they are listed in order to their capacity. 
How to choose a MOSFET for your project PART 1 How to choose a MOSFET for your project PART 1 Reviewed by Engineering tip on December 22, 2019 Rating: 5

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